Launching accessible financial planning with content strategy built on trust and community
The Challenge
Years before the big players entered the financial wellness space, a small fintech startup in Louisville, Kentucky, recognized that the financial services industry was failing consumers.
Sum180’s solution: a hybrid robo-human financial planning service designed to make advice accessible and affordable for everyday consumers.
Content Strategy
With one year to launch, Sum180 chose a marketing campaign centered on user-generated content and direct financial advice within an online community—a bold move in the highly regulated financial services sector that ultimately set the brand apart from competitors.
Successful earned media program featuring thought leadership articles in industry publications and prominent placements in high-profile media outlets.
Leveraged insights from beta testing, a brand ambassador program, and online community to develop impactful financial education and success stories, fostering trust and loyalty.
blog posts, social media content, downloadable resources, case studies, content partnerships, email campaigns, website and mobile app copy, educational videos, earned media.
B2B, B2C
fintech, financial services
“The earned media campaign we crafted and executed together surpassed all expectations, achieving placements in industry publications and major outlets.”
— Carla Dearing
Former CEO of Sum180 and Vibrant Nation